Why a fellowship? 

We want to bring some more colour and energy to the Grey Continent! 

Too often, brilliant African journalism is written for international publications on the outside looking in. The media industry is rapidly shifting and it’s never been harder to break into serious journalism now that everybody is an influencer and content creator. Journalism needs to face off further threats from AI and a breakdown in trust with readers. 

We see a fellowship as a way to form a community of the brilliant mid or late career journalists in Africa and the diaspora focused on building African voices, eyes, taste, views, and addressing these challenges head on. The idea is to provide a way for the next generation to build a portfolio and experience working in multidisciplinary (virtual) newsrooms, working to deadlines and creating world class journalism across a range of medium. There will be broadcast, written, photo, data, and curation covering a range of topics from lifestyle and culture to current affairs, business, science and technology.

What else do the fellows get from the fellowship?

What else do the fellows get from the fellowship?

  • A chance to connect in a like minded community.
  • Building a portfolio of work with bylines and collaborations with more senior journalists in the industry
  • Creating world class journalism


Mentors also get to participate in a like minded community, and the reward of giving back. As Aristotle said, “those that know, do. Those that understand, teach”. There’s also an opportunity to help develop African journalism to a standard that other publications both on and outside the continent can aspire to. We will also be giving mentors the opportunity to participate in forthcoming Grey Continent summits (tbc).

If you’d like to be a fellow or know someone who’d be a good fit, send us an email. Same goes for mentors: if you or someone you know could help build up the next generation of African journalists, get in touch here: [email protected]

What’s in it for Grey Continent?

Grey Continent is on a mission, and all missions require a community of people to succeed. We’re trying to build momentum and we need a bigger community working together to make it happen.

We want great, thought-provoking, world-class content on the site, and social media channels that challenge stereotypes around Africa and what it means to be African.