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#1. Why are Nigerian consumers urged to buy and consume only locally-made noodles?

Since Instant Noodles are among the import-banned items in Nigeria, consumers are urged to buy and consume only locally-made noodles. This is because it was recently reported that ethylene oxide, a cancer-causing substance had been found in Indomie’s “special chicken” flavour in Taiwan and Malaysia by health officials in both countries. Nigeria’s National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control (NAFDAC) and the Standards Organization of Nigeria (SON) said they investigated Nigeria’s ingredients and found no such substances.

#2. What is NAFDAC doing to ensure that foreign-made noodles are not smuggled into Nigeria?

#3. What is diphtheria?

#4. How many confirmed cases and deaths have been reported due to the diphtheria outbreak in Nigeria, as per the WHO report?

The WHO report states that from May 2022 to April 2023, 1,439 suspected cases of diphtheria were reported in Nigeria, of which 557 were confirmed, and 73 resulted in death.

#5. What is the goal of Nigeria Agenda 2050 launched by Buhari?

 To increase the country’s economic growth by 7% and create 165 million new jobs by 2050. The plan also aims to increase the average income of Nigerians to be among the world’s top economies by 2050.

#6. When was the policy document for Nigeria Agenda 2050 approved by the Federal Executive Council (FEC)?

Nigeria Agenda 2050 was first introduced by President Buhari in 2020, but was finally ready to share it a few months before the end of his 8-year term. The launch of the plan was conducted by the President before the commencement of the weekly Federal Executive Council (FEC) meeting on Wednesday, 7 weeks after the policy document was approved by the FEC on March 15.

#7. What was the reason for the Senate's approval of Buhari's request to restructure the cumulative N22.7tn loan from the Central Bank?

The government has been relying heavily on loans from the CBN to fund its budget deficit due to a significant shortfall in revenue caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and low oil prices. The Ways and Means provision allows the government to borrow from the CBN if it needs short-term or emergency finance when they’re experiencing a cash shortfall. The loan will now be paid back to the CBN in securities rather than cash.

#8. What is the Ways and Means provision?

#9. Which of the following demands was NOT made by the Nigerian Association of Resident Doctors (NARD) to the Nigerian government?

The NARD demanded the implementation of a 15% annual budgetary allocation for the health sector, recruitment of clinical staff, and an immediate increase in the Consolidated Medical Salary Structure (CONMESS) salary structure to 200% of the current gross salary of doctors. They also demanded the cancellation of a bill that aims to keep doctors in the country for five years after studying before they can leave the country.

#10. When did the NARD issue the ultimatum to the Nigerian government to start implementing all pending agreements?
