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#1. What is the purpose of Peter Obi and Atiku Abubakar's presence in court?

Peter Obi and Atiku Abubakar are in court to challenge the election results. They have filed petitions disputing Bola Tinubu’s victory as Nigeria’s president-elect. These petitions allege various irregularities and manipulation of election results, indicating their intent to challenge the legitimacy of the election outcome.

#2. Why did Atiku Abubakar and Peter Obi request the live broadcast of the proceedings challenging Bola Tinubu's victory as Nigeria's president-elect?

Atiku Abubakar and Peter Obi requested the live broadcast of the proceedings because they wanted the public to have access to the proceedings of their case against Bola Tinubu’s victory as Nigeria’s president-elect.

#3. What was the court's ruling regarding the request for live broadcasting of the proceedings?

The court ruled that there was no legal basis for live broadcasting of the proceedings. They stated that a fair hearing does not necessarily mean conducting court sittings on television or in a stadium. The court emphasised that the decision to allow live broadcasts should be a judicial policy determined by the heads of courts.

#4. When did the Dangote Refinery officially start its operations?

#5. What is one of the expected benefits of the Dangote Refinery for Nigeria?

One of the expected benefits of the Dangote Refinery for Nigeria is the creation of 100,000 direct and indirect jobs. The refinery’s operations are expected to have a positive impact on the Nigerian economy by generating employment opportunities and boosting job creation. Additionally, the refinery’s presence is likely to reduce Nigeria’s reliance on oil imports and increase the availability and affordability of petroleum products domestically.

#6. How much money was disbursed by the Federal Ministry of Works and Housing for the completion of road projects in Nigeria?

#7. What source of funding was used for the disbursement of the money to road contractors?

The disbursement of funds to road contractors was sourced from the SUKUK bond funds. SUKUK is an Islamic financial instrument, and the Federal Ministry of Works and Housing utilised the 2021 SUKUK bond funds for the completion of road projects.
