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#1. What conditions are Nigerian individuals living in Iraq facing?

Modern-day slavery is becoming increasingly widespread in Iraq. Nigerians living in Iraq, particularly domestic workers, are facing terrible conditions, including long hours of work, harsh treatment, and sexual harassment. 

#2. Why do many Nigerians prefer to leave their country for places where they are treated poorly?

The unfavourable conditions many face living in Nigeria has led to an intense desperation to leave the country. Often, even people who are aware of the dangers of being smuggled and the risk of becoming human trafficking victims, choose to “try their luck” in another county. 

#3. What was the cause of the violent clash in Akwa Ibom State last week?

The violent clash was between the Klaans and Black Axe cult groups in Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria. It was sparked by a dispute over control of a minibus park in Uyo. One group accused the other of encroaching on their territory and collecting parking tolls, leading to the conflict.

#4. What has been the impact of the clashes in Akwa Ibom State?

The clashes between the rival cult groups in Akwa Ibom State resulted in the deaths of at least 16 people and caused extensive damage to property. The violence has also led many people to leave their homes.

#5. What did a Federal High Court in Abuja recently rule regarding the National Broadcasting Commission (NBC) and broadcast stations?

That a Federal High Court in Abuja ruled that the NBC is not allowed to impose fines on broadcast stations in Nigeria. The judge argued that the NBC’s power to impose sanctions contradicts the Nigerian Constitution, which gives judicial authority to the courts.

#6. Why did the Incorporated Trustees of Media Rights Agenda bring the case against the NBC to court?

The case was brought to court by the Incorporated Trustees of Media Rights Agenda. They argued that the fine imposition procedure by the NBC violated the right to a fair hearing. Therefore, their objective was to challenge the right of the NBC to regulate broadcasting in Nigeria, suggesting that the NBC’s authority was being questioned in the case.

#7. According to the Director-General of the Budget Office of the Federation, what is the main concern regarding Nigeria's borrowing capacity?

The Director-General of the Budget Office of the Federation warned about Nigeria’s limited borrowing capacity due to its poor debt-to-revenue ratio. The concern is that Nigeria’s revenue is not sufficient to sustain its debt levels, despite having a relatively low debt-to-GDP ratio.

#8. What does the Director-General of the Budget Office emphasise for successful outcomes in Nigeria?
